- Rate Proposal Form (Last updated: 12/04/24)
- Rate Calculation Template (Last updated: 05/16/24)
- Income & Recharge Basics Training
- Income & Recharge Guidelines (Last updated: 01/30/25)
- Income & Recharge Review Checklist for Control Points (Last updated: 01/04/24)
Local Policies
UC Policies
- Accounting Manual
- APM-020: Special Services to Individuals and Organizations
- BFB A-47: Direct Costing Procedures
- BFB A-56: Academic Support Unit Costing and Billing Guidelines
- BFB A-59: Costing and Working Capital for Auxiliary and Services
- BFB A-60: Short-Term Investment Pool Distribution of Income
- BFB A-61: Procedures for Determining Unrelated Business Income and Expenses
- BFB BUS-29: Management and Control of University Equipment
- BFB BUS-54: Operating Guidelines for University Supply Inventories
- BFB BUS-72: Establishment and Review of Auxiliary Enterprises
- Compendium of Conflict of Interest and Integrity Policies - Guidance
Federal Policies
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards – 2 CFR Chapters I, II, Part 200 (Uniform Guidance)
- Cost Analysis and Rate Setting Manual for Animal Research Facilities