The Outdoor Space Modification (OSM) request is for small projects to convert unprogrammed outdoor areas on campus to active uses. Examples include:
- Seating areas on a landscaped space or plaza
- Outdoor classrooms or meeting facilities
- Temporary storage
- Vehicular parking
The OSM review process is guided by Capital & Physical Planning in consultation with relevant campus Control Points to ensure consistency with campus plans and policies. Any permitted use will be granted as temporary and may be subject to removal for future capital projects without remediation or remuneration.
Note: OSM reviews focus solely on the proposed use and do not replace the established capital project approval workflow.
Submit a Request
To submit a request, provide the following information on the Outdoor Space Modification form and prepare supporting documents.
- Project name and location
- Originating department, contact person, and phone number
- Brief description, the scope of the project, and stakeholders
- Supporting documents, such as schematic design, maps, photos, drawings, or other materials
- Estimated budget and funding source(s)
- Project Proponent's signature and date of signature
- Divisional funding Control Point's signature and date of endorsement
Upon completion, send the request form and relevant files by email to Shari Hammond, Associate Director, Campus Planning & Design (shari.hammond@ucsb.edu).