Campus Plan

SLR Adaptation Strategy

In October 2020, Chancellor Henry Yang formed a Coastal Planning Science Advisory Board composed of Statewide and University scientists, researchers, and policy makers who collectively informed the science behind the University’s Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy (SLRAS), and collaborated on policies within the SLRAS. The SLRAS received extensive public and agency review, including collaboration with the local Chumash to ensure cultural resources are protected over time. Implementation of the SLRAS will address potential sea level rise impacts to campus buildings, infrastructure, and coastal resources, including campus beaches, public access trails, and ecological areas such as the Campus Lagoon and Coal Oil Point Reserve, through monitoring of erosion, flooding, and other shoreline changes. The SLRAS provides a framework for adaptive management studies and action in response to sea level rise over short (0-10 years), mid- (10-30 years), and long-term) (30-80 years) planning horizons.

Academic Plan
Campus Housing Study
Ocean Road Pattern Book
Storke Pattern Book
Physical Design Framework