West Storke Wetland Restoration - Caltrans San Jose Creek Bridge Replacement Offsite Mitigation Project
West Storke Wetland Restoration - Caltrans San Jose Creek Bridge Replacement Offsite Mitigation Project NOID

AD&A Museum Section 106 Consultation
SHPO Section 106 Consultation Letter

Devereux Building 7035 Demolition Project
Devereux Building 7035 Demolition Project NOID

West Campus Point Faculty Housing Tree Removal Project
West Campus Point Faculty Housing Tree Removal Project NOID

Past Projects

Arnhold Tennis Center
Arnhold Tennis Center LRDPA
Arnhold Tennis Center NOID

Bioengineering Building Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Bioengineering Building Project
Bioengineering Building Project Notice of Impending Development

Building 319 and 325
Building 319 and 325 Demolition Project NOID

Building 372 Demolition Project
Building 372 Demolition NOID

Building 382/Aquatics Trailer Demolition Project
Building 382/Aquatics Trailer Demolition Project NOID

Building 411 and 429 Demolition/Replacement Project
Building 411 and 429 Demolition/Replacement Project NOID

Caesar Uyesaka Stadium LED Project
Caesar Uyesaka Stadium LED Project NOID

Davidson Library Addition Building Project
Davidson Library Addition Building Project NOID

East Gate Vegetation Removal
East Gate Vegetation Removal NOID

Faculty Club Project
Faculty Club Project Notice of Impending Development
Faculty Club Project Final IS/MND
Draft Faculty Club MND

Hazardous Tree Replacement Program
Hazardous Tree Replacement Program NOID
Hazardous Tree Replacement Program - Phase 2 NOID

Henley Hall - Institute for Energy Efficiency
Draft Final IS/MND Henley Hall/IEE
Henley Hall Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration
Henley Hall NOID

Main Campus Infrastructure Renewal Project Phase 1C
Main Campus Infrastructure Renewal Project Phase 1C NOID
Main Campus Infrastructure Renewal Project Phase 1C NOID Appendices

Pauley Track Renovation Project
Pauley Track Renovation Project NOID

SAASB Bicycle Traffic Circle
SAASB Bicycle Traffic Circle NOID

Segovia Road Access
Segovia Road Access

Solar Phase III Project
Solar Phase III Project NOID

Solar Photovoltaic Power Purchase Agreement
Long Range Development Plan Amendment for Solar PV PPA
Solar Photovoltaic Power Purchase Agreement NOID
Solar PV PPA Project Phase I NOID

Trailers 309, 320, and 327
Notice of Impending Development for Trailers 309, 320, and 32

Greenwaste Recycling Facility Project
Greenwaste Recycling Facility NOID

GWSD Mesa Road Trunk Sewer Improvement Project
GWSD Mesa Road Trunk Sewer Improvement Project Notice of Impending Development

GWSD Phelps Road Sewer Trunk Line Project
GWSD Phelps Road Sewer Trunk Line Project NOID

Harder Stadium New Scoreboard and Entry Improvement Project
Harder Stadium New Scoreboard and Entry Improvement Project NOID

KITP Visiting Scholars Residence Project
KITP Tarplant Seedbank Restoration NOID
Final NOID
Final IS/MND

San Joaquin Apartments
San Joaquin Apartments-Notice of Impending Development
          San Joaquin NOID
          San Joaquin Plans
                    Clusters 1 and 3
                    Clusters 2 and 4
                    Gateway Towers
                    Portola Dining Commons
                    West Parking Lot
          Public Notice
Final EIR – San Joaquin Apartments and Precinct Improvements
San Joaquin Final EIR VOL 1 with Appendices
San Joaquin Final EIR Volume II Technical Appendix
Draft EIR San Joaquin Apartments and Precinct Improvements Project Documents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Summary
3.0 Environmental Setting
4.0 Project Description
5.0 Impacts and Mitigation Measures
5.1 Aesthetics
5.2 Air Quality
5.3 Biological Resources
5.4 Geology
5.5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
5.6 Hydrology and Water Quality
5.7 Noise
5.8 Transportation and Traffic
6.0 Plan and Policy Consistency
7.0 Growth Inducing Impacts
8.0 Alternatives
Draft EIR Title Page Volume I
toc volume 1
Volume 1 Appendices
Draft EIR Volume II Technical Appendix
San Joaquin Apartments and Precinct Improvements Project
Draft Initial Study for the San Joaquin Apartments and Precinct Improvements Project

Solar Photovoltaic Power Purchase Agreement
Solar PV PPA Project Phase II NOID and LRDPA
Long Range Development Plan Amendment for Solar PV PPA
Solar Photovoltaic Power Purchase Agreement NOID